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The Clown in You is a very useful book for the serious student of clowning (professionals included) as well as for beginners. It is, as the subtitle promises, “contemporary clowning,” aka the “personal clown” or the “clown from the heart.” There is very little on clown gags, no formulas for creating material. It really is about using your own innate joy, silliness and, yes, stupidity, to forge a clown character unique to you. As the old saying goes (no, I don’t know who said it first), clowns characters aren’t created, they are uncovered.

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The Clown In You is a book every clown, aspiring or professional, should have in their library. It’s a great resource for helping clowns discover deeper layers of their character and creating powerful material. Caroline Dream has taken on an enormous task researching and writing on the complex topics of the art of clowning and she has done it with great success. This book is packed with invaluable gems for understanding and creating in the art of clowning.

ROB TORRES, Clown, Big Apple Circus, U.S.A.

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